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On-Page, Off-Site, and Technical SEO

Online marketing and websites depend on search engine optimization or SEO. Many content creators know of SEO but fail to realize that there are different types. In short, there are 3 types of SEO: on-page SEO, technical SEO, and off-page SEO. All three SEO types are important and require a strategy to organize and execute your optimization plans.

To help you better understand all 3 types of SEO, we have created this brief overview. In this article, we review each SEO type and provide you with some strategies for mastering them. Let’s get started.

3 Types of SEO

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is the most common form of SEO because it relates to the content on websites. The purpose of on-page SEO is to help search engines understand the topic of the pages and provide relevant pages as a resource for those using the search engine. Without on-page SEO, search engines will not know how to organize or list your content.

Types of on-page SEO include:

  • Keyword research
  • Content creation
  • Keyword optimization
Mastering On-Page SEO

When creating pages, one of the most important steps, is mastering on-page SEO. Here are the best ways to enhance your on-page SEO:

  • Perform keyword research
  • Choose a primary keyword that is NOT the keyword of another piece of content on your website
  • Use the primary keyword in one subheading
  • Choose 5 related keywords and use in body
  • Optimize title with primary keyword
  • Wrap the title in an H1 tag
  • Write more than 300 words
  • Do not duplicate content
  • Write for an eighth-grade level
  • Create 2% to 3% density
  • Use subheadings, bullet points, and bolded fonts
  • Anchor links in relevant texts
  • Only link to high-quality sites
  • Set outbound links to open in a new page
  • Add at least one image
  • Add primary keyword to image alt tag
  • Write URL that includes primary keyword
  • Optimize meta title
  • Optimize meta description
  • Add social media sharing links

Technical SEO

Technical SEO

Technical SEO relates to non-content aspects of a website, such as a site’s backend structure and foundation. The purpose of technical SEO is to improve the site’s readability and provide a better user experience. Without technical SEO, users and search engines will find your website difficult to use.

Types of technical SEO include:

  • Site speed
  • Indexing
  • Mobile compatibility
  • Crawlability
  • Site architecture
  • Security
  • Structured data
Mastering Technical SEO

Mastering technical SEO can be difficult if you are not familiar with building or auditing a website. Never the less, here are the most crucial and basic ways to master technical SEO:

  • Run an audit to find existing errors
  • Revise site’s architecture to fix errors
  • Use an XML sitemap
  • Remove duplicate content
  • Run pages through page speed auditors to improve page speed
  • Clean up site code
  • Compress images and videos
  • Reduce scripts, plugins, and redirect chains
  • Heighten website security
  • Use mobile-friendly checkers
  • Improve structured data
  • Continue with ongoing optimizations

Off-Site SEO

Off-Site SEO

Off-site SEO builds your site’s influence and relationship with other websites. The purpose of off-site SEO is to build the website’s reputation so that it is viewed as a reputable and trusted source. Without off-site SEO, your website will not be viewed as a credible site.

Types of off-site SEO includes:

  • High-quality backlinks
  • Other authoritative sites backlinking your site
Mastering Off-Site SEO

There are several ways that you can master off-site SEO. Here are the most important:

  • Link to more authoritative site’s
  • Only use links that are relevant to your brand and industry
  • Anchor the link into the text
  • Link to sites with large backlink profiles

Final Thoughts

In order to master SEO, you need to use all 3 types of SEO. If you only focus on one type, you may be missing out on crucial ranking points that the other forms of SEO provide. So, it is crucial to include all three SEO types in your plan.

Hire A Professional

Obviously, mastering all three forms of SEO can be difficult if you have never done it before. With this in mind, it is best to hire professionals to help. These professionals will help you to create and implement an intensive SEO strategy for your website.

Virtual Surge is a reputable, knowledgeable, and client-focused marketing agency. With their help, you will be able to create the best SEO content for your website and expect to gain more customers with little to no hassle.

To find out more about Virtual Surge, set up a free meeting to discuss online marketing opportunities with one of their world-class SEO optimizers.